Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge

178 Hammond Avenue
Turrell, Arkansas


Wapanocca NWR is located 20 miles northwest of Memphis, Tennessee, in Crittenden County, Arkansas was established in 1961 to provided habitat for migrating and wintering waterfowl. The refuge is located four miles west of the Mississippi River and protected from the river by the river levee. Prior to establishment of the refuge, it was the site of the Wapanocca Outing Club which was formed in 1886. This was one of the oldest and most prestigious hunting clubs. The club managed for waterfowl and most of the lake was set aside as a waterfowl sanctuary. The refuge was once an oxbow bend in the Mississippi River. Today the refuge is a wildlife oasis in an agricultural region. An excellent diversity of habitat comprised on mainly agricultural land, bottomland hardwood forest, early stage reforested hardwoods, open water and flooded cypress/willow swamp. Thirty small field impoundments totaling 190 acres have been developed for waterfowl in the agricultural area.


Bird Watching
Because of its strategic location in the heart of the Mississippi Flyway and the diverse habitat, the refuge is a major stopover for warblers and other neo-tropical birds. The refuge is also a prime wintering area for migratory waterfowl. Bald eagles, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets and Anhingas nest on the refuge. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maintains a checklist for birds that can be seen in the refuge.

Visiting the Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge
Open daily from dawn to dusk
Visitor Center Hours: Monday - Friday: 7 am - 4 pm except for federal holidays.
There is no charge to visit the Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge.


The Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge on the east side of AR-77 just southeast of Turrell.


Explore the nearby community of Turrell


Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge - The official website of the Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge.

Explore the Upper Delta Region of the Mississippi River
