Old Turrell City Hall

160 Eureka Street
Turrell, Arkansas


Gibson Bayou Cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries in Crittenden County having been established in 1865. The cemetery surrounds the Gibson Bayou Church, a small white frame church, which was originally located on the north bank of Gibson Bayou. The cemetery is still being used, although it is hard to dig a new grave without disturbing a existing another one. Many of the markers in the cemetery are funeral home markers and have deteriorated due to the elements and are now unreadable. Some of the monuments are broken and many are also hard to read. There are many people buried at the cemetery who do not have markers. It is said that when the railroad was being built nearby several workers were killed and are buried here. The cemetery has been kept in good condition by the efforts of relatives of people buried here. A reunion is held annually on the third Sunday in August and donations are accepted at this time for the upkeep of the cemetery. The Gibson Bayou Cemetery has been named as a Historical Landmark.

Visiting the Turrell City Hall
The exterior of the Turrell City Hall can be viewed any time. The interior is not open to the public.
There is no charge to visit the Turrell City Hall.


Explore the community off Turrell

Explore the Upper Delta Region of the Mississippi River
