BIrd Watching in French Colonial Country

Entrance is 8 miles south of DeSoto on State Highway 21
DeSoto, Missouri

Eastern Kingbird

Eastern Kingbird


Hawn State Park
Hawn State Park is listed on the National Audubon Society's Great River Birding Trail. They report that there are at least 84 species of birds, 31 which are confirmed breeders. Historically, the area supports Brown-headed Nuthatches, Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, and Bachman's Sparrows. Henslow's Sparrows and Pine Warblers are common in the summer months.


Pickle Springs Natural Area
Pickle Springs Natural Area is listed on the National Audubon Society's Great River Birding Trail. They report that they found 73 bird species including 43 probable and 15 confirmed breeding species. Pine Warblers may be seen in summer as well as tanagers and other forest birds.

Washington State Park
Washington State Park is considered a hot spot during the spring migration season whit a variety of warblers and thrushes stopping at the park. State Park has a wide variety of habitats including native hardwood forest, limestone glades, savannas, and gravel access to the Big River. This variety provides nesting opportunities for both residents and summer breeders including a variety of warblers. Three trails that provide access to different habitats, including the Washington State Park Hardwood Natural Area.

Explore French Colonial Country
