The world of "Living History", whether a Frontier Rendezvous or a Civil War era re-enactment, has experienced an increase in popularity recently, both in the number of participants and events as well as the number of visitors attending these events. Participants take on personas and duplicate as well as possible the life these personas would have lived. Most reenactors take great care in using only exacting recreation of clothing, gear, and equipment from the past. Furthermore, many take on the role of teachers, explaining how our ancestors coped with the daily rigors of life. Visitors to these events can expect to find participants portraying fur trappers, Native Americans, craftsmen and artisans of all types, traders, soldiers, Victorian ladies, and more! The Middle Mississippi River Valley is host to a number of annual "Living History" events.
Archesology Day
Cahokia Mounds, Collinsville, Illinois
Missouri Statehood Day
St. Charles, Missouri
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Fourth At The Fort!
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
For the four years of the Civil War, Fort D protected the city of Cape Girardeau from attack. On the Fourth of July the old fort comes to life once more. The soldiers of Fort D were very patriotic. At the national holiday, they would celebrate by firing their rifles and cannon, eating a special meal with friends and civilians, and flying their flags proudly. Come join the reenactors at this special time. The civilian ladies will be serving up iced tea (a true Civil War treat) and cookies. The renovation and interpretation of Fort D is a special project of the 1st Missouri Engineers, a unit of the Turner Brigade, which is a group of Missouri Union volunteers and civilians of the Civil War period. Their commissioned and non-commissioned officers have many years' experience in reenacting and provide a wealth of information about the time period to visitors.
Archeology Day
Collinsville, Illinois
Located at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site is the site of the remains of the most sophisticated Native American Civilization north of Mexico and has been designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization for its importance in understanding the cultural heritage of the native civilizations in North America. Archeology Days features a variety of educational events, demonstrations, and activities that allows the whole family to gain insight on the lifestyle of ancient Native Americans.
Missouri Statehood Day
Saint Charles, Missouri
This event features special demonstrations, interpreters in period dress and an open house at the First State Capitol of Missouri State Historic Site. The public is invited to view the buildings where the state's first senators and representatives met from 1821 to 1826. The Peck Brothers Dry Goods and Hardware Store and residence are also included during the open house and festivities. Bring the kids to learn about Missouri's state symbols and play some games from the 1820s.
Bear Creek Rendezvous
Hannibal, Missouri
Experience Native American culture at the annual Bear Creek Rendezvous at Mark Twain Cave. The rendezvous, led by the Standing Bear Council of Keokuk, Iowa, will entertain people of all ages with primitive demonstrations of knife and hawk throwing, woodworking, flint napping, gun ball making, tanning and pottery making. Native American cooking will be exhibited, and children’s games will be offered. Native American genealogy will be shared. The grand entry ceremony of the Black Fox drums, flutes and singers of the Standing Bear Council will be at Noon both days.
Labor Day at Fort D
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Labor Day is typically a day of rest, but the soldiers and civilians at Fort D will be busy preparing for fall. Join local reenactors as they demonstrate rifle and cannon fire and Dutch oven cooking. The renovation and interpretation of Fort D is a special project of the 1st Missouri Engineers, a unit of the Turner Brigade, which is a group of Missouri Union volunteers and civilians of the Civil War period. Their commissioned and non-commissioned officers have many years' experience in reenacting and provide a wealth of information about the time period to visitors.
Homestead Harvest Days
Highland, Illinois
Homestead Harvest Days at the Louis Latzer Homestead features demonstrations of threshing, old-time crafts, gas and steam engines, antique tractors, kids activities, live entertainment, and tours of the Louis Latzer Homestead, the most modern house of the 1900s.
Siege of 1812 Weekend
Fort Madison, Iowa
Reenactors will recreate the War of 1812 siege of the fort with simulated battles at Old Fort Madison. Step back in time at historic Old Fort Madison and discover military life as it was on the rugged frontier of the Louisiana Territory as a "factory" trading post. The Fort is an amazingly accurate reconstruction of the first military fort on the upper Mississippi. Authentically dressed historic interpreters take you through the day to day tasks of the soldiers and their families who lived there. Visitors are encouraged to partake of the past with the hands-on experience of trying a fresh-baked morsel, dipping a candle, or holding a musket.
Old Threshers Reunion
Elsberry, Missouri
Threshing reunions began in the early 1950s when farming families became nostalgic for the sense of community and camaraderie that accompanied the threshing season. The refurbished antique tractors set them for display, tractor pulls, homemade goods sold at booths, and large home style meals would become staples at these events. Beginning in 1970 the Lincoln County Old Threshers Association has been celebrating the Old Threshers Reunion every third weekend in September. Their many volunteers work hard throughout the year to recreate the time-honored experiences of historic farm life at this authentic threshers' reunion. Activities include a large display of steam and gas engines, gas tractors, old-time machinery, a working sawmill, MOSAC and Antique tractor pulls, horse pulls, home style meals, an antique merry go-round, a flea market, craft booths, and live entertainment in the big building.
Renaissance Faire
Wentzville, Missouri
September - October
Travel back to a 16th century French village and thrill to the exploits of jousting knights; roam the village shops; enjoy stage acts performing comedy, music and daring feats; and interact with colorful villagers, nobles, and peasants. There will be food and fun for the entire family.
Yanda Log Cabin Day
Glen Carbon, Illinois
The Yanda Log Cabin was built in the early 1850s and was restored in the 1990s. The cabin is operated by the Glen Carbon Heritage Museum as a means to represents Glen Carbon's Land of Goshen era when immigrants from Europe began arriving in the era. The cabin is open during this event for free tours. Also adding to the atmosphere will be period craftsman demonstrating skills such as blacksmithing, woodworking, sewing, and corn grinding Dulcimer & Strings musicians will provide entertainment.