contact us come explore where eagles soar!
come explore where eagles soar!

This e-mail connects you with the webmaster. Use this address for general questions, comments, or suggestions you have regarding, its content, and its topics. This e-mail also connects you with the advertising department at Use this address if you would like information on advertising opportunities that offers.

When contacting us we would like you to be aware that we are not an official website of any of the organizations, sites, events, etc. that we provide coverage for. We are NOT the contact for those looking to be vendors at an event.


EVENT LISTINGS provides listings free of charge for events that are of interest to VISITORS to the area and that are organized or sponsored by Non-Profit or community based organizations.

However, we DO NOT list events such as bingo or trivia nights, and we DO NOT list events of a political or controversial nature. provides a dedicated page for events that it covers.

We also regret to announce that as of May 2017 we no longer will list charity runs/walks so that we may concentrate more on events of interest to people visiting an area. is willing to list events hosted by businesses for a $12 per page fee.

To submit your event provide the following information needed for these pages:

Name of event
Description: Please feel free to provide as much information as you have. The more descriptive and informative the page is the more likely a reader will consider attending. We may not list the event if there isn’t much of a description.
Graphics, photos, logos (if any)
Admission (if any)
Contact phone number or email (required)
Website, webpage, or Facebook page (if applicable)